What To Do in The Case of An Oil Spill?

Oil spills have devastating effects on the local communities and environment. It is a stressful situation for homeowners, and minimizing the damage and initiating a timely response are crucial. Not only does it pose a risk to the environment, but it also requires immediate attention to prevent further damage.

This blog covers advice for homeowners who purchase home heating oil in Wexford to deal with all types of fuels, heating oil and lubricants, and the spillage must be stopped and cleaned up immediately.

Preplanning is the key to ensuring that you are ready for any situation that you might encounter.

In the event of any oil spillage, prioritize your and others’ safety. If you witness an oil spill, move to a safer location and call emergency services.

Often leaks involving home heating can be prevented through proper maintenance of the tank.

In this blog, we will guide you through simple steps to handle a burst oil tank efficiently and safely.

Understanding the causes of Heating Oil Leaks

Age and deterioration of the storage tank: Over time, heating oil tanks can develop cracks, rust, or corrosion, leading to leaks.

  • Poor installation or maintenance: Faulty installation, improper maintenance, or neglecting regular inspections can contribute to oil leaks.
  • Extreme weather conditions: Severe temperature fluctuations or extreme weather events can cause the tank to expand, contract, or shift, potentially leading to leaks.
  • Accidental damage: Physical damage caused by external factors such as construction work or accidental impact can result in oil leaks.

Look for any signs of oil stains, wet spots, or strong odours around the oil lines. These can indicate a possible leak. If the dye appears outside the lines, it signifies a leak that needs to be addressed.

Steps to take to solve a leaking oil tank

  • The first step is to turn off the tap or valve to stop the flow of oil from the leaking tank.
  • Locate the area where the heating oil is leaking from the tank. Once identified, try to reduce the flow.
  • If any oil has spilt onto the ground, it’s important to act quickly to prevent it from spreading further. Use absorbent materials such as sand or spill kits.
  • Take measures to prevent the oil from reaching nearby buildings, watercourses, or sensitive areas.
  • Check records of previous usage and receipts from the fuel supplier to estimate the amount of fuel that has been lost from the tank.
  • Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible to report the oil spill. They will guide you through the claims process and arrange for contractors to respond to the spill.
  • Contact the relevant environmental agency if the oil spill has contaminated controlled waters such as streams, ponds, or lakes.
  • If the oil spill has caused damage to the building structure or the water supply tastes or smells of fuel, reach out to your local Environmental Health Officer.


When faced with an oil spill, it is crucial to respond swiftly and effectively. By following these steps, you can contribute to minimizing the impact of an oil spill and protecting the environment.

Remember to prioritize personal safety, report the incident to the authorities, contain the spill, and engage in proper cleanup and restoration processes.

Order your premium home heating oil in Wexford now and experience top-notch service at the cheapest oil in Wicklow!

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